Monday, August 20, 2007

Fitness Challenege...!

3700 meters...
2 appless...
1 water bottle...
48 hours...
1 dead phone..
1 head light
5kg bag..
2 legs... ;)
1 rotten sandwitch
countless japanese grannies climbinng faster than me....
hot sun watching my back....

I know its kind of boring, but i want to idolize some thing which i thought will never achieve..
As i complete my fuji trip...this short blog entry will not justify my effort.
Because, when i explained about the trip in most modest manner to mohan in less than 70 minutes with voice filled with emotions (which scared the japanese women who was silently enjoying her roti in 'rasoi')

This blog entry is kind 'flag on top of mountain' which symbolises the entire journey and pain a trekker went through to put the flag there where it i was ;) (Do i sound like a literary lumious from age of reconissance. I love english because the more confusingly and wrongly you use, the more people think that you know more :D. Hurray, totally screwed the language.)

Today i saw 'The legend of zorro' and it is the crappiest movie i have ever come across, don't hesitate to skip it when you come across the link or dvd or the zorro himself.


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